Managing your infrastructure in service accounts

With your identity provider integrated, you're now entering the choose-your-own adventure phase of adopting Substrate. You'll use service accounts to host the meat of your infrastructure — potentially lots of them.

Substrate helps you use multiple accounts to separate environments (like development or production). Substrate also encourages you to organize your services into domains — single services or groups of tightly-coupled services — that help you reduce the blast radius of changes. You should read about domains, environments, and qualities to get a feel for it.

You've probably got in mind the first thing you're going to build with Substrate's help, so next you can jump straight into adding a domain. Or just run a command like this (noting that -quality is optional if you only defined one):

substrate create-account -domain <domain> -environment environment -quality <quality>

The environment and quality there should be a combination you defined way back when you ran substrate setup. If it's not, no big deal: Just run substrate setup -fully-interactive and change your answers. And, as with all Substrate commands, this one's safe to run over and over again; in fact, running it again is the quickest way to run all the Terraform code related to that service account.

After creating your first (or your fiftieth) service account, you'll be writing Terraform code. Substrate doesn't change or restrict how you write Terraform code but it does introduce a few handy shortcuts you can use to name things sensibly and get access to the network it's configured for each of your environments.

The Substrate documentation has architectural reference material, day-to-day advice, runbooks for emergencies, and more.

Last updated